I’ve been busy over the past month preparing for a couple of events that are somewhat related in that they involve my window neon. Most recently was getting ready for an art show at Space 1026 in Philadelphia. They are a gallery with a focus on screenprinting but have rotating art shows every month. “Round A Bout” is a show featuring the work of Justine Kelley but also includes some of my own pieces as well as the Neon Museum of Philadelphia, Angela Rio, and Victoria Hutto. It’s a great opportunity to have my work seen by lots of eyeballs as they are located on a busy street in Philly and just two doors down from the music venue The Met.

These are neon pieces that I have made over the past few years, which I hang (and rotate seasonally) in my kitchen window. Usually, I just hang them by the neon tubes themselves, but for this show I made “skeleton frames” for each one to give them extra support and also so that the transformer could be attached to the piece, making it a self-contained unit.
My pieces look amazing with Justine’s work and the opening was great fun and I met a lot of interesting folks.
Preparing for the show was also helpful as I plan for a class that I will be teaching next month at Urban Glass in Brooklyn. In the class, we are going to design neon meant to hang in a window and be viewed from both sides. I got the idea for the class from my window neons. This will be my first time teaching a class at Urban Glass, and I’m really excited about it!

The show at Space 1026 will be up until the end of June, and the class at Urban Glass will take place at the end of July. For information on either one of these events, click the appropriate links above.